Jack is an up and coming corporate executive that is living the American Dream. He has a loving wife, two perfect kids, and the promise of a VP position at his fingertips; however after a cryptic message from a Santa Claus, he loses his job after a simple typo made by his boss is pushed onto him. Now, with bills piling up, a low income, and the holidays fast approaching, Jack's sparkling dream begins to crumble.
The Good:
- The plot moved along nicely, with only a few lagging moments
- Any movie that opens with BarlowGirl automatically gets an extra 15 awesome points. The music in general was appropriate and it was refreshing to hear a positive message in every aspect of the film.
- As mentioned above, the movie is squeaky clean. It's very refreshing to see movies being made that are devoid of language, drugs, sex, and violence that Hollywood can inject into their films.
- There were a few twists that I didn't see coming.
The Bad:
- You can tell it is a low-budget movie, much like "Facing the Giants." Some of the camera angle are a little awkward and the acting, in places, seems a little forced.
- Overall, the main storyline was fairly transparent.
While the movie was not the most original or mind-blowing, I was able to appreciate the simple beauty of seeing a man reach the bottom to find out what he really has. We, much like Jack in the movie, become spoiled by all the glitz and glamor of the latest Hollywood movies, with their flashy animation and mind blowing twists. However, the morals behind the stories often lie far from what we want to model ourselves after. With this movie, I was able to appreciate the strong morals presented and was reminded to "count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James 1:2-4.
For more information on this film, you can visit http://www,homelessfortheholidaysmovie.com
*This product was provided to me free through the Buzzblogger program for review. I was, in no way, obligated to write a positive (or negative) review.*