On May 2nd, 1998, Rachel Joy Scott penned the following words:
"This will be my last year, Lord. I have gotten what I can. Thank you."
On April 20th, 1999, the United States was devasted by a school shooting in Columbine, CO; among the dead lay Rachel Scott. Though dead, this was not the end of her story. Her parents began reading her journals, which showed them her mistakes and shortcomings, her hopes and dreams, but most of all, her deeply rooted faith in her Creator. In 2000, Her parents published Rachel's Tears, a biography of sorts that chronicled her walk with God, complete with excerpts from her journal. This book has now been re-released by Thomas Nelson to remind a new generation of the frailty of life, but also to challenge them to a deeper walk with God.
Reading through this book, we wonder how God could use such a tragedy for His glory. This is best explained at the end, where we realize the full meaning behind the title. Rachel shows through a drawing the impact that she would have on lives across the country through her and the 12 other students deaths. Through this book, her prophecy holds true as they continue to impact the lives of many, bring them to a deeper walk with God, as well as a greater understanding of God's infinite wisdom and strength. This book shows God's perfect strength in the face of tragedy, but also challenges you to re-examine your faith and give your all to Him to be used to impact the world. 5/5 stars.